Beginning Farmers
Beginning Farmers - Practical Tools for Successful Family Farming
The National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) Presents a New Farmland Access Report and Website
NYFC is excited to share their new report, Land Policy: Towards a More Equitable Farming Future, and Land Policy website with you.
As you may know, access to secure, affordable land is the number one challenge facing young farmers and ranchers across the country, and this barrier is even higher for farmers of color. This new report and website are designed to provide farmers, policymakers, and supporters with a set of tools to understand the farmland access issue and take action as we work to build a future defined by racial equity, community well-being, and climate resilience.
NYFC is building a land policy to campaign to fight for change. Join our land campaign by taking our land access mini survey! This survey takes less than two minutes and will help us build our grassroots network of land campaign advocates.
Land determines who has the opportunity to succeed in agriculture in the United States, yet access to this resource is deeply unequal. Land ownership is rooted in the dispossession of Indigenous land and stolen labor, and the effects of this show up throughout our food system and society. Land is at the base of racial equity, food sovereignty, economic prosperity, public health, and the climate crisis. As we address these issues, land must be part of the conversation.
The time to act is now. Millions of acres of farmland are changing hands, representing an incredible opportunity to shift power and resources, yet secure land access is the number one barrier preventing a generation of growers from entering the field. NYFC's new Land Policy Website lays out the issue clearly, tells the stories of farmers who have successfully overcome the barriers to farmland access, and lays out policy solutions and opportunities for activism that anyone can participate in.